
Friday, December 20, 2013

NOTW: Santa and Blitzen!


I am so excited to show you my first holiday mani this year!

Merry Christmas!
After my usual base coat combination of Duri Rejuvacote and Sinful Colors Nail Hardener, I started with two coats of Zoya Elisa on all my fingers except the middle and ring finger of my left hand, which got two nice coats of Zoya Flynn. Once that was good and dry, I started on the nail art.

Indoors, artificial light, no flash.
For my left hand, I was inspired by this pin on Pinterest. The santa face was really easy to do. I placed a piece of scotch tape across my nail and used one coat of Zoya Elisa to fill in the hat, removing the tape immediately. Then, I used a dotting tool dipped in Milani White On the Spot for the hat's details. I used a small nail art brush and the same polish for his beard. I love how the brush strokes turned out to look like hair! A smaller dotting tool and Cult Nails Nevermore for eyes, Zoya Sooki for his nose. How cute!?

Indoors, artificial light, with flash.
The reindeer is another story. I wanted to use the image from Bundle Monster plate BM-H01, but as with all my attempts to stamp a large expanse of polish, I failed repeatedly. Once I got most of the image transferred, I gave up and used a small nail art brush to fill him in. I used Zoya Louise for his face and ears, and Zoya Cheryl for the antlers. Zoya Robyn and Cult Nails Nevermore rounded out the eyes. This took forever, and once I was done I was so worried I'd ruin him before he dried! Freehand is just not my thing!

Indoors, artificial light, no flash.
My right hand was stamped using Konad special polish in White and Bundle Monster plates: BM-H03, BM-SE1, BM-302, and BM-H01.

Everything got a generous coat, or two in some cases, of NYC In a New York Minute.

I am SO happy with how this turned out! It's worn like iron, and nine days later, still looks great!

More soon! ^_^

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