
Saturday, March 30, 2013

Haul: March!


I can't believe March has come and nearly gone already! Time sure is slipping, quickly on by... my March was awesome! How was yours?

First up, Pretty & Polished happily surprised me by bringing back Tart and Cheer Camp (already swatched yesterday!) just in time for my birthday! If you are unaware, when you order during your birthday month, ask to be in their birthday club and give them your birth date in the comment section of your order, and they will send a mini polish along as a gift! It is my understanding that each year's birthday polish will be unique and otherwise unattainable. It's a fun bonus!

Pretty & Polished Tart, Happy Birthday 2013, and Cheer Camp.
In the middle of the month, I made a long-overdue trip back home to Minnesota. I miss that place every day. I ate a TON of delicious food. My small town has a plethora of amazing independent restaurants that I crave food from every now and again, so I ate pretty much everything I've wanted from home in the last year in one week (the new diet started the Monday after I got back lol). 

Every time I'm home, I go to see my awesome stylist at a little independent salon in the local (tiny) mall. She is so awesome! This time I asked for dip-dyed ends in jewel tones, and I couldn't be happier with the result. My hair is very dark brown and the colors pop nicely. Check out how awesome that purple is in the sunlight! It glows!
Outdoors, sunlight!
You know I had to eye the nail polish display while I was at the salon. I found OPI Russian Navy. I'm not sure on it's availability, but I've never seen it anywhere before. It's a gorgeous shimmer polish, so it was a happy find. My aunt from Alaska was also in town at the same time, and she gifted me the polish on the right. It is Suncoat Petal Blush. I've never heard of this brand before, but it says it is water-based, meant to peel off, and made in Canada. I've already used it and love it as a base for milky glitters!

OPI Russian Navy and Suncoat Petal Blush.
And now onto the birthday gifts! I am so spoiled! Besides new tires for my car, I got the following lovelies:

Jade Hypnose, Vermelho Surreal, and Mystic Gold. Jessica Pumpkin Delight. AEngland Princess Sabra. Model's Own Ibiza Mix. All from Ninja Polish.

AEngland She Walks in Beauty. CrowsToes Her Goose Got Cooked. Hare Polish Ocean of Alloys. Nail Pattern Boldness Boop-Oop-A-Dupe. Contrary Polish Santorini. Emily de Molly When Planets Collide. Picture Polish Cosmos. All from llarowe.

Brash Blue Dream and Denim Doll. Finely milled glitter for nail art. Fresh Sugar lippie in Rose. Stila Liquid Luminizer in Kitten Shimmer. Tarte Amazonian Clay eyeliner in Indigo and mascara in Lights, Camera, Lashes.
Phew, major hauling! It was fun, but I think I'm on a 'break' for a bit. My three-drawer Melmer is nearly full, so I need to stop with the buying! On the other hand, my wishlist is nearly complete..... *evil laughter*

More soon!! ^_^

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